Sunday, January 28, 2007

Josh's Visit

We were delighted to get a visit from our grandson, Josh Janda. He bought a 2002 Chevy Silverado over Ebay and it was located in Chandler. So he came to pick it up. Josh arrived 1/24 in the evening and we picked him up at the airport. He purchased his truck on 1/25. It is a good looker (check out the picture). We then had a get-together for him that night with all the family that is Arizona meeting together at Organ Stop Pizza for pizza and listening to some guy play the organ. Mark had to work so he was unable to attend.

Check out the man and his truck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

New Year's Eve

New Year's eve was a blast! Everyone met at Brian's, had some snacks, said goodbye to 2006 and welcomed 2007. Everyone was there except Mark, Darcy and Justin. At midnight, everyone made noise with indoor fireworks as we toasted the new year with some cider and grape juice. Here is a picture of the rebels setting off their fireworks. At this point we had lost one to sleep - David.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007


This is how it looked 30 minutes after the beginning of gift opening.
Could we have a clean up in the living room?

First Christmas in Arizona

This is our first Christmas in our house in Chandler, Arizona. We did not bring down many Christmas decorations because the house is not big enough to have a big Christmas tree. So we put up our little tree. Here is a picture of the Christmas tree with presents around it. Merry Christmas - ho ho ho!!!

See the Christmas tree to the left of the mirror? I should have turned on the Christmas tree lights so the tree would show up better.

Kathy has kept busy!

Last summer, I traveled a lot from July through October. Kathy came along and spent quite a bit of time in hotel rooms during the day while I was doing Defensive Driver Training for Chevron. We had dinner and did things together at night. To occupy her time, she made stocking caps which she donated to needy children. She has made over 100 caps and has donated some 85 already. Good job, Kathy.

Arizona Casita

Our daughter says we should get with the times and maintain a blog. Well, here is our attempt to to so.

We will start by sharing our new home that we bought last summer in Chandler, Arizona. It is a small home in an adult community that is just big enough to enjoy without a lot of work to maintain. The yard is small and in Arizona rock so it also is easy to maintain. The best thing about this house is that it gets us out of the snow and here where most of the kids and grandkids are. We are enjoying attending the grandkids' games, recitals, concerts, ordinations, etc without a day's trip to get here. We plan on staying here until sometime in April. We will leave after Michael is baptized.